Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 6 No-prep Journal

Module 6 No-prep Journal

Q Each no-prep journal is based on your pre-existing knowledge. You don’t need to read anything in the module before completing it. I am just interested in your thoughts about the topics we are about to embark on. This week’s main topic is how research can help with crime prevention. Write a 2-3 paragraph short essay answering the following questions: • o What do you know about crime prevention programs? o What would be the best way to evaluate whether a crime prevention program works (i.e., reduces crime or recidivism)? o What do you think 'evidence-based' means? Only you and the instructor/TA will be able to see journal entries. They are graded based on how thoughtful and to-the-point they are.

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Q1: Crime prevention program refers to rehabilitative, deterrent, and incapacitative strategies operated by crime justice system agencies and law enforcement. There are several types of crime prevention programs namely Life Skills Training (LST), Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Community Youth Development Study (CYDS), Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project (TND), Quantum Opportunities Program (QOP), and Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP). CYDS refers to interventions designed to change the social conditions and institutions for example organizations, social norms, clubs, and peers that influence offending in residential community (“Crime Prevention Programs”, n.d.).